Saturday, 14 January 2012

mystery project, 2011

here is the link for instructions used for the mystery project done in December.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Fabric exchange

Fabric Exchange January 2012 Pattern: MONKEY BUSINESS Size: 85"x96" Fabric to cut and bring to the exchange: 65 ... 2 ½”x42" strips (WOF) - assorted light tone on tone 48 ... 2 ½"x42" strips (WOF) - dark to dark medium assorted (Not more than 3 of any one fabric please, for greater variety.) Cut each of the above strips into 3 equal pieces, each approx. 14½” long. Tips: Try using different widths of Painter's masking tape (low-tack-Blue or green) to mark your quilting lines. Don't leave it on too long – but it works beautifully for straight line quilting!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

workday on Saturday

Any members who choose not to participate in the exchange please bring your own project to work on or if you need help or advice on a project bring it along also. This is a chance to socialize and see what everyone else is doing and we always have a lot of fun. Doors open at 8:30 am exchange will start at 9:15 am. We sew and play till between 3:00 – 4:00 depending on attendance. Bring your lunch or you can pop out to buy lunch. Cost is $5.00 and there are always door prizes

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Hi Guild Members, and a Happy New Year to you!!! Wednesday is our meeting night and I was wondering, as usual, if anyone would have items to spare for the rooming house on Carleton Street. I will bring my truck and park it by the door. On the wish list are any and all of the items, anything from small appliances, to gadgets, to food items, mugs, dishes, utensils, dish towels, dish cloths, leftover cleaners, mops, brooms. In other words anything from the kitchen that you don't want or need any more. Food that is good, even if it is opened, is very much welcome! You may want to check your bathroom for any toiletries, even partially used ones. Towels would also be very welcome! Check your linen closet for sheets, pillows, cushions, pillow cases and blankets which you don't use. Enjoy more space while helping someone who would be delighted to suddenly have a bed completely made up!! I would also like small lamps, small tables or stands and kitchen style wooden chairs to use in the bedrooms. The need is always there and due to the ever changing renters, we do not foresee a time when these items will not be needed. All I'm asking for are things that you would be disposing of please, bring them to the meeting on Wednesday night or start a collection for a later date. I THANK EVERYONE FOR THE GREAT SUPPORT WHICH I'VE RECEIVED OVER THE PAST 3 YEARS. THANKS TO VERY CARING AND GENEROUS FRIENDS, PEOPLE HAVE HAD SOME SMALL COMFORTS. IT IS SOMETIMES HARD TO REMEMBER THAT POVERTY DOESN'T END AND THAT THIS EFFORT WILL BE ONGOING. MANY MANY THANKS! Cecile