Friday, 31 August 2012

Wednesday, September 5th is our first meeting of the year!

Our first meeting, under the Coordinator Dianne Kelly will be on Wednesday at the Gibson Church hall.  Hope that all members that can, will come out for the kick off to the new Guild year.  Be sure to bring your library books.

New Idea

On another topic, there are always quilts that don't make it to Show and Tell.  So... I want to ask all Guild members to send me photos of their quilts that for whatever reason won't make it to "the hall" for S+T.
Because I made a small quilt for my Granddaughter this summer, and it has gone to her, I am going to post it, so that you can see it (and I can test to make sure posting photos this way works for me.).  She LOVES Dora right now and I was lucky enough to find a piece of Dora fabric and an easy pattern (thanks Joan B.) and be able to sew and quilt it fast.

Here 'tis!

Can you see Dora and her wildlife animals here?

I sewed the binding on totally by machine.

So, that is the idea Guild Members, send me you photos of quilts or "quilt"y items that you made and have given them before show and Tell, or for whatever reason, they haven't been shown. OK?  Until next time...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Hi Guilders!
  This is a test to make sure that I can actually use the blog!  Jen Mitchell has transferred writing privileges over to me so I wanted to get started to make sure that things are a GO for blogging this year for ECQG.
  Things may be shaky for awhile especially with the right hand column, so help me keep it up to date!
  Sign up as a follower if you like!
  I most likely will incorporate more photos in the body of the blog, and maybe some other topics other than announcements.  FEEDBACK?
  Until next time.  KATHY