Sunday, 30 September 2012


     Our blog Show and Tell today, is letting us have a peek at Dorothy Johnson's "Goodnight Moon" quilt and "Goodnight Moon" sleeping bag made for bunny and the popular "Goodnight Moon" book.  Delightful idea Dorothy and thank you for sharing!!  My Granddaughter would LOVE this, so I am sure the recipient in Victoria BC will enjoy it for years to come.

Dorothy Johnson's Quilt

Dorothy Johnson's quilted sleeping bag.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

September Newsletter

Sarah's delightful September 2012 ECQG Newsletter, is found HERE.  Enjoy it folks!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

September meeting-Show and Tell

I have received the pictures and the information from our Sandra Noftell, so here is Show and Tell from September's meeting.


Marj Deveau and her Postcard Albums
Closeup of postcard

Wendy McLean with her brilliant "North Star" table topper

 Allison Hubbard and Liz Richard each did their colours in "Mystery Medallion"
Gorgeous choices!

 Claire Buck, and soft "Tranquility" quilt, which will be given away before next meeting...

Jennifer Speedy, with "Spruce It Up" tree wallhanging, and a sweet little snowman as well.

 Joyce Newman's Applecore wallhanging, with interesting curves, and her flowered Cross Over bag.

Joy Sowers finished her lovely Grommet bag

Above, have a look at Patsy Morecraft's blue and yellow Snowball/Ninepatch quilt!

Here we have Christine Burill's "Go Fetch"  front and back!

 Christine Burrill was also busy making this yummy "Tropical Delight" quilt.

 And Dora Martin made this 2.5inch strip quilt.  Here you see the colourful front, and quilting motif on the back.

Until Next time...................................................................................Quiltingly yours, Kathy

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Well folks, our guild members entered the Frex Quilt competition in force this year and were rewarded handsomely for doing so.  I took some photos while I was there and wanted to share them with those of you who weren't lucky enough to see them in person (although they do not do justice of course!)

Please forgive me if I missed anyone from out winners circle.

There were lots of entries from those who didn't receive ribbons and congratulations to them too!

First the Grand Prize WINNERS:

Jennifer Speedy

Darleen Dewar

First(red), Second(blue) and Third(white) ribbon winners!

Gwenda Mattinson

Bertha Mazerolle 

Gwenda Mattinson

Sharon Daley

Darleen Dewar

Bertha Mazerolle

Gwenda Mattinson

Bertha Mazerolle's placemats

Jennifer Speedy

Bertha Mazerolle, Gwenda Mattinson

Darleen Dewar

Sharon Daley

Darleen Dewar


Here are a couple of "crowd shots" to give you a flavour of the hangings.

And that is all for today.  Until next time...

Saturday, 8 September 2012


   Yesterday I went to the Frex, the Fredericton Exhibition that is for those who don't know.  Each year Sandra Day and her daughter Kim along with the Guild, work hard to make a quilt top to put on bars and quilt during the Frex.  This shows the skill of many members, and a time honoured tradition of hand quilting and hands on right in front of hundreds of people.  It is a great time as well, talking, selling tickets on the quilt, meeting new passer-bys and just plain fun.
 I took a few pictures while I was on site, quilting, talking and selling tickets and I will share them...

Kim and Sandra Day daring me to take a picture!

      I always enjoy my time there, and am constantly amazed by Sandra and Kim who seem to take up residence at the "fair" while it is on.  We had many visitors, including some from out of country (Australia in particular), some quilters from other guilds, many interested adults, male and female alike!  Most everyone stops and chats about past memories of parents, grandmothers, great grandmothers who quilted.  Lovely memories for people are brought back, you can see it in their faces!

Evelyn MacNaughton visiting with Australian quilter.


  DippyDog, the Mascot for the Frex new this year, came to see what quilting was all about as well!

                    Kathy working on her stitches to help pull Dakota Lulu together@ the Frex.

 Visit, working and chatting!

SUCH concentration!!

  A HUGE thank you to Sandra and Kim and to all of the Volunteers who come and go as needed!!


Blog---Show and Tell

         Below you'll see 4 of Joy Sowers' quilts that she made and put in the Oromocto Hospital Gift Shop, this summer, therefore now able to bring them to Show and Tell.  Thanks for sending them to me Joy for all to see.