Monday, 7 November 2016

November Meeting

A great talk and display of colour was given by Peggy H. Insight into the use of the colour wheel with examples and definitions of the different aspects of colour. Show and tell followed with a great assortment of talented quilters.

Peggy giving her talk on colour

Charlotte showing what she had done at the
NS Fibre Arts Festival 

Joyce's Deck the Halls wall hanging

Miniature Boston Common made by Joyce 

One of Joyce's recycled denim bags with
 intricate free-motion quilting

A second bag from recycled denim by Joyce 
Allison's Woven Threads 

It's A Jungle Out There by Deborah

Christmas Runner by Donna

Spicy Spiral Christmas Runner by Esther B.

Pat's Friendship Star

Pat also made this Hunter's Star

An example of Peggy's colour gradation from Joyce's
Scrap class

More examples from Joyce's Colour Gradation Class

Jacqueline made this Gemini scrappy quilt for
Quilts of Valor

Bonnie's Snowball Quilt

Janet's Sweet Owl Quilt

Hockey quilt made by Susan M.
Well there it is another Show and Tell to inspire us all. Don't forget to attend our workdays to get your projects finished, socialize and learn from others. We always have a great time. Wednesday November 9th is our next workday. Door opens at 8:30 and we sew till around 3:00. So pack a lunch and join us.
Always in Stitches, Marj

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

October Meeting

Octobers meeting was very interesting. Joyce gave an informative talk on Creativity and where she derives her creativity. She had lots of samples of her creative process with many of her works starting out with just a thought but ending up being works of art. I enjoyed her presentation very much and am sure others did as well.

This years NB Ex raffle quilt

Second quilt made from the left over blocks made for the
NB Ex Raffle quilt that will be given to charity.

One of Joyce's creative pieces that grew from just the
very center heptagon 

Another example of Joyce's gradation of colour in strips

Joyce's Zig Zag in colour

Here she is showing circular colour gradation 

Christmas ornaments in colour gradation

Joyce's samples out on display for us all to enjoy

Joyce's Blue Jay made by paper piecing very tiny pieces from
a pattern by Cynthia England

Carol's Scrappy Fall 

Falling Triangles also by Carol

Square in a Square by Peggy

Wonky Stars for Hanna by Deborah

Hearts for Hannah mad by Deborah

Madison's Square Garden quilt by Deborah 
Peggy's YO YO pot holders

Dianne's Halloween Runner

Marj's Frosty Runner

 I almost forgot to do the October blog. So busy that I thought I had done it, when in fact I had not. Sorry for the delay to anyone trying to locate it.