Marian Lanhus was introduced as tonight's speaker. Marian and her husband Bruce. They moved to Gagetown, NB took over the Step A Side B & B renaming it Lang House after their name Langhus, which means long house in Norwegian.
Marian is an avid collector of old and loved quilts. She showed a few of her quilts and also gave a demonstration on framed blocks within double panes of glass. Marian then introduced her friend Author Kathie Goggin who shared a portion of her writing with us.
Framed blocks using a double panes of glass so both the
front and back of the block are visible. |
This quilt shown by Marian has fabric of all different colours and
fabric content, Most likely made from old clothing. There is polyester
fabrics like crimpolene within it. |
This quilt was a pieced top only. It was not sandwiched and quilted
but the outside edges were turned under and hemmed. |
This quilt was made in 1870 by an 88 yr old woman initials TBR.
This information is embroidered into the quilt. Each alternate block set on point
is hand embroidered as seen in the photo below. |
Close up of embroidered block. |
Author Kathie Goggin reading a passage from her manuscript. |
Joyce showing in this and the following pictures how she used hankies and
linens as a base for her extraordinary quilting. |
Great meeting and wonderful to see all the talent that our guild possesses.