Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Starting A New Year with A Great Presentation & Beautiful Show & Tell

Tonight's meeting included Gail Mitchell as our special guest. Gail shared her different methods of labelling her quilts, small projects and even her knitting. She demonstrated some of her label making methods, talked about products she uses and where to get templates and lettering. Many thanks to Gail for coming to share her knowledge.

Following are pictures from Gail's presentation. She also stayed to share some of her beautiful work as part of our January Show & Tell. Stunning work all around, ladies - be proud.

Gail telling us about one of her light boards.

A variety of labels of all sizes

Some hand drawn labels using a light board

A sample of a corner label

Gail's Apple Crisp Quilt

Gail's "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" quilt with lots of hand embroidery

Gail's "I Heart You" quilt

Gail's "Trail Mix" quilt. Although not quite finished, it's still an eye catcher

Gail's "Kitchen Sink" quilt. The block isn't where you think it is.

Gail's "A to Z" quilt

Gail's "Flying Geese" runner

Gail's Christmas runner

Gail's "Wonky Christmas Trees"

Gail's pumpkin runner complete with a cute little spider quilted into the border. Gail also stitched her name into this project.

Gail's runner using a free pattern from GE Designs

And now onto our members' Show & Tell

First up is a quilt by Janet S. Janet just loved some floral fabric she was given by Connie F. Janet used some for the front and the remainder was incorporated into the back.

Cecile G.'s "Diamonds & Stars" log cabin quilt made of a lot of very small pieces. She chose to tack this quilt

Diane B.'s "Friendship Stars" made of homespun quilt fabric. This was a quilt as you go project.

Peggy L. made quilt wraps for each season. Here are winter and fall, followed by spring and summer.

Cecile G. made a wheelchair quilt complete with a pocket to warm the hands. She's ready to move onto another with a few changes.