From the Elm City Quilter's Guild in Fredericton, NB
Our March meeting was held last night and included a presentation by our own Linda Wolstenholme on felted wool projects. Linda gave us the "how to's" and examples of her wonderful work as she explores another craft. Thank you, Linda, for opening our minds to more possibilities and sharing your knowledge.
Our March show and tell follows Linda's samples of her work.
And now, our show and tell
First up is Diane B. beautiful blue house quilt
Donna's C. lovely table toppers
First up is Bonnie's string quilt
Bonnie's mauve lovely that will be a gift
It wouldn't be show & tell without another awesome Bertha M. creation - this one is a gorgeous Friendship Star.
Like Bertha, Joyce N. is a very prolific quilter. This beauty is a donation quilt for a Victoria Quilts fund raising raffle. It's all New Brunswick! Each postcard is pieced and appliqued and the background are pieced triangles. Following are shots of the postcards in this quilt. This quilt needs to be seen up close to be appreciated - the more you look the more you see