Monday, 17 January 2011

January meeting

There were 87 of us in attendance at our meeting in January. We were shown a slide show by Florence, of the quilt show in Rhode Island, Gwenda was our narrator, nice job ladies!




Discussed was the workshop on February 19th with Cecile, there is a sign up sheet, and it is a Stack & Whack workshop. This workshop is a chance for you to use fabric that you love but don't know what to do with it. Cecile mentioned that you will need a fabric that has 8 repeats on it, the bigger the repeat the more fabric you'll have to buy but the bigger your quilt will be. Here are some pictures of the Stack & Whack quilts she had on hand to show us, and some examples of fabric choices that are perfect for this type of project,


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1 comment:

  1. I took Cecile's Stack and Whack class a few years ago and just LOVED putting the kaleidoscopes together, each one an adventure. It was so fun!!
