Memorial Hall, UNB campus-The Secret Codes
There are posters up at UNB for an upcoming quilt show...
( Both Cheryl Petreman and I think that this was in Halifax at the same time as the Canadian Quilters' Association in 2012, however that means that only a few of us saw it., and may want to see it again. Here is the information for you from the Poster and the UNB Visual Arts website.)

The Secret Codes
January 17 – Feb 28 at Memorial Hall on the UNB Campus.
artist: The Vale Quiltmakers Association of Nova Scotia
curator: David Woods
THE SECRET CODES is a collaboration between the Vale Quiltmakers of
New Glasgow and artist, curator David Woods. The patterns are derived
from a collection of drawings created by Woods between 2000-2001 while
traveling to Nova Scotia’s Black villages collecting stories and
artwork for a book project called The Sacred Missions (unpublished).
Quiltmakers chose drawings from this collection that spoke to their
own experience and created quilted interpretations of them. An open
call for submissions also yielded quilts from individual quiltmakers,
quilting groups and private family collections from across the
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