Sunday, 18 September 2016

Where did the summer go!

Well our 2016 - 2017 Guild year has begun and all of our committees have been hard at work planning. We have a wonderful schedule of activities and events coming up.  Lots to look forward to.

Here is a sample of the work done over the summer by some of our members. Please participate in our Show and Tell by bringing your work to show or you can help by holding items for others at the Show and Tell. If you do not want to show your work yourself someone else will do it for you.

What a welcome to our tea party
A beautiful quilt with lovely tea pot and cups, jewelry
and of course the cream and sugar  
Margie made this sweet Zig Zag baby quilt

Cecile with her Parlor Cats quilt and Bag
for Victoria Quilts

Allison made Attic Animals too cute

Doris with gorgeous fall colours called Scrappy Nova

June's Fuzzy Logic done in Batiks was huge

Peggy's quilt is called 50 Shades of Grey
(wonder if she read the book?)

Peggy also made a couple of the mesh bags. They are
always handy.

Lucille with her large beach bag

Lucille, What a great technique Called Ribbon Quilt

Lucille's landscape interpretation of the Swallow Tail Lighthouse
 on Grand Manan Island 

Jo-Anne made a Big Block quilt using winter scene prints  

Jo-Anne's Over the River embroidered and pieced quilt,
Very creative

Beth made Cake Mix (not for consumption)

Bath also finished an aging UFO Stack and Whack
maybe some of us will get inspired to complete our UFO.s 

Quilt as You go done on a serger

Joyce's foundation pieced Dark and Stormy Night

"A River Runs Through It" landscape by Joyce

Close up of Joyce's Landscape

Another of Joyce's scrap quilts called Serpentine

What an impressive Show and Tell. Don't forget to bring your items for our meeting on October 5. The Tea Party was a great chance to catch up with each other and have some sweet treats. Hope to see you all in October.
Always in Stitches, Marj

1 comment:

  1. What a great start to our year. SUPER talents!! Thanks for the excellent job Marj...almost like being there. But not.:-(
