Wednesday, 3 April 2024

From the Elm City Quilter's Guild in Fredericton, NB

April's Meeting Brought Guests and a Wonderful Show & Tell

April's meeting brought a visit from Tanya and Theresa from Leo Hayes High School. These wonderful ladies run the "Feed the Lions" program among many other jobs at the school - not sure when they sleep. It was interesting to hear all about how the program runs, what they can use and how it's distributed. Nice to know what happens to our donations.
Their presentation was followed by our show & tell.

June G.'s Spring Geese - a beauty indeed! So much work in each goose. It was quilted by Mona Gagnon

Dorothy J.'s Stacked squares will be a gift for an engineering friend. Dorothy quilted it herself.

Dorothy also made this quilt which involved a lot of hand appliqued orange peel. She quilted this one as well.

Donna C. multicoloured stacked bricks has caught her daughters' attention. Donna may need to make more of this cutie. Connie F. quilted this for Donna this past weekend.

Peggy H. created this cheery quilt with the help of her granddaughters. It's to become a gift for Peggy's niece in Newfoundland.

The next few pictures are of potholders of all colours made by Peggy and Beryl. They will be sold to support a school in Africa.

Gretchen J. made nautical placemats and tea cozies. Gretchen is practicing various methods and patterns with the idea of making it a future workday. Great idea!

Theresa had quilts that her sister Mary sewed up for her while Theresa was away. So nice to have a helping hand. First up is a Christmas themed quilt.

Theresa also showed us her leaf quilt. Love the gray background.

Gloria P.'s queen sized town she calls Plan B. The houses were just windowpaned in the pattern but ended up a town with a harbour.

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